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Showing posts from December, 2020

After all, how does COVID-19 continue to spread? - A simulation (Conclusions)

This post is the final chapter of my experiments with the simulation. Here I will point out the conclusions we can get from running each test.  Again, please note that the simulation does not completely simulate the human and virus behaviour and it is based on known assumptions and probabilities. Therefore, some tests can have a different outcome from real life. However, we can infer some risky behaviours to avoid in our daily life. Image created by Rawpixel Images. Submitted for United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives Every health authorities states we should wear a mask, wash our hands or use alcohol gel, avoid crowded places, to be 2 meters apart from other people. Well, after running several tests in my simulation I can say they are completely right! If you do not trust them for some reason, please look to the results I got ( here ).  We are now starting another spread. The vaccine against COVID-19 spread. I really hope it does not have any serious side effects. I ...

After all, how does COVID-19 continue to spread? - A simulation (Results)

Here I will present some tests and analyze them to find out some COVID-19's behaviours.  Again, please note the simulation is a simple model where the outputs can be different from the ones in the real world.  Image created by Underway Studio. Submitted for United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives Tablets| Computers, Tablets & Components |Desktops| Laptop Accessories| Laptops I suggest you use the simulation yourself and tweak the configurations file to better understand the simulation's behaviour.  By using the config.yaml file to change some of the simulation parameters we can test different case scenarios to better understand the spread of the virus.  Sometimes we mislead ourselves by taking someone's statement as the absolute truth and that leads us to some mistakes. And you know, against COVID-19 any mistake counts and can get you and your loved ones in real danger. So I will show some tests results and analyse them in th...

After all, how does COVID-19 continue to spread? - A simulation (How it was built)

This "project" started with my curiosity about the covid-19 spread around the world. In my own country, and after everyone knows all health authorities' rules, the virus is now attacking harder than never before. Why the virus still continues to spread? This is one of my big questions. So I did this simulation-like project to study the influences of people behaviours in the overall number of infected people. As an example, evaluating the influence of 50% of the people within an area not wearing a mask, or not respecting the social distance as we should. Stop The Spread. Image created by Hazem Asif. Submitted for United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives  To build the simulation I used the python programming language and the Object-oriented programming paradigm. I did not use any python library to build the simulation environment itself. It is just two classes to represent the Agents and the Simulation. Classes Simulation The class that stores the list of agents in the...